To My Beloved Father – Snapshots Film

Description: The reason I chose this topic is my love because I find it a very emotional thing for me and difficult to express. All I’m trying to show in this video is, even though I’m not close to my father like I’m close to my mother, he will always be a part of me and I will always care for him. My actions might not show that on the outside, but I truly love him deep in my heart.

Technique: In this video, I used a different and a rare technique. What I did was take a series of still pictures and then laced them together to create a stop-motion effect. So technically, it’s all individual photos (over 2,000) in this video. I used black and white to make it look like an old film by putting an overlay of “old film” effect. I took the photos this year and the baby in my father’s arms is my little cousin. It took quite a long time to edit because I’ve never tried to do this kind of video before. When I took all of these photos, I did not let my father know because I wanted him to be completely natural.

Youth With Impact – Event

On the 12th of September, 2017, I attended an event with my fellow students at Impact Hub. We went there and listened to speakers who shared insight about their dreams, goals and career paths.

SievPhin – independent filmmaker and founder of PEACE Films –
Passion and Film Career
Cheav Vitak – Public Relations head of Humanity Helping Hands- Dream to Reality
Thon Thavry – Author of “A Proper Woman” – Behind the Scenes of a Dream
Rithy LomorKesor – Smallworld Smallband ក្រុមតូច Vocalist – Ban Te
Prumsodun Ok – Founding Artistic Director, Prumsodun Ok & NATYARASA & TED

Those speakers inspired me a lot. It got me thinking about my future and my dreams of who I want to be. I think those people are really making positive impacts to our country and it is a great model for our new generation.