Physics – Forces Concept and “Coefficient Of Static Friction” Lab

In physics class for this first term of essential, we learned a lot about the concepts from resources and study deeply through different types of problems. These few months, we have studied about forces, friction, static equilibrium, inclined plane and other concepts that related to forces which is what we’re studying in physics currently. Last week, we had our first experimental class in a long time in which we’re doing lab about the inclined plane. The purpose of this lab is to experimentally determine the coefficient of static friction for multiple materials and to solidify students’ understanding of friction.
So what we do is Build a ramp using the plank of a wood place different materials (paper clip, sandpaper, cloth) upon the plank of wood and determine the minimum angle at which the material will slide. We did three trials of this process, and take the average of the three angles we measure. By using the average minimum angle we find for each material to calculate the coefficient of static friction. And then we compare the results to the other group, which turned out to be quite different.

Here is the data for my group.

After we take a look at the data we made a short report by answering some questions about what was happening while we were doing the lab.

Box position: In the experiment, for each trial, we change the position of the box to see the difference. At last, we take the average of it. Its stay in different position and to take the average of it is just not that accurate.
Sandpaper 3: We make the assumption about Sandpaper 3 that it will have the most coefficient of static friction the object is rougher than other objects.

Real-life Factor
Surface of the box: each time we do the experiment, the surface of the box keeps getting smoother that been scratch by different sandpapers, cloth and wood.

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