LMRT – Our Third Adventure

On the 16th of November 2017, My LMRT has once again went off on our third adventure to Koh Seh to do more scuba diving and training to do survey. As always, this trip was incredibly fun and challenging but everyone always smile.


This time we finally learned and practiced how to do survey underwater by laying transect line. For this weekend trip, we did two dives a day for two day. Our first dive of practicing survey was super confusing and messing and unorganized. I was out of my mind to see the loads of responsibility we have when we do survey. But in general I think these dives were very funny.

Guess what, this is why people say divers are lazy.


So the transects line is 100 meters. We divided 100 meters into four section, 0 to 20 meters, 25 to 45 meters, 50 to 70 meters, 75 to 95 meters. There are gaps for five meter every 20 meters because in the gap, we don’t recorded the data. Before we start to survey, we have to wait behind the line for five minutes until we can start. This survey is super SLOW! Our speed for this survey has to be two meters per minute and we stopped for one minute every five meters. That is SLOW! It is harder than you could imagine to be this slow underwater. For the first dives, I was going so fast but for the rest of the three dives, my speed was getting better and better because sometimes when I have the dive computer, I can look at the time and sometimes when I don’t have, I can just try to keep track of the time in my head.


Talking about the responsibilities, it was more than we could asked for. Besides controlling and focusing on our neutral buoyancy, we had all these stuffs that we have to look after such as, slates + pencil (to track data), tank banger, buoy, dive computer, compass, our buddy. Sadly, I lost my pencil in my first dive because I didn’t pay attention to it because there were so many stuffs tangling on my body.


I am still very proud of myself because I can keep myself on track. My buoyancy was alright, my speed was OK and I’m getting way more comfortable underwater. Personally, the most challenging part for these dives is to cooperate with my buddy team. It’s hard for me to tell my buddy to slow down underwater when she’s going too fast.


By the way, we also took substrates ID test and I passed! Huray!

Another successful adventure!!


Some cool underwater picture I took!

An update picture on my artificial reef!
See the seahorse?

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